IREDA Recruitment 2025: Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) के तरफ से आई बहुत ही अच्छी भर्ती को लेकर नोटिफिकेशन जारी की गई है, इसके तहत Various Executive Roles के पदों के लिए भर्ती निकाली गयी है, जिसके तहत भर्ती कुल मिलाकार 63 पदों पर भर्ती जाएगी,IREDA Recruitment 2025 के लिए इच्छुक एवं योग्य उम्मीदवार से ऑनलाइन के माध्यम में आवेदन पत्र आमंत्रित किए गए हैं.
IREDA Recruitment 2025:- तो इसके लिए आवेदन कब से कब तक लिए जायेगे CSIR IIP Recruitment 2025के लिए आवेदन कैसे कर सकते हैं इसकी सभी जानकारी आपको नीचे विस्तार से बताई गई है उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि नोटिफिकेशन को जरूर पढ़ें इस के लिए आवेदन करने और अधिक जानकारी के लिए नीचे दिए गए लिंक का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं.
IREDA Recruitment 2025: Overviews
Post Type | Job Vacancy |
Post Name | Various Executive Roles |
Total Post | 63 |
Official Website | |
Apply Mode | Online |
Apply Start Date | 18-01-2025 |
Apply Last Date | 07-02-2025 |
IREDA Recruitment 2025: Important Dates
Events | Dates |
Apply Start Date | 18-01-2025 |
Apply Last Date | 07-02-2025 |
Apply Mode | Online |
IREDA Recruitment 2025: Post Details
Post Name | Total Post |
Executive Director (Finance) | 02 |
General Manager (Finance) | 04 |
Additional General Manager (Finance) | 01 |
Deputy General Manager (Finance) | 02 |
Manager (Finance) | 03 |
Executive Director (Projects) | 02 |
General Manager (Projects) | 05 |
Additional General Manager (Projects) | 01 |
Deputy General Manager (Projects) | 01 |
Chief Manager (Projects) | 02 |
Senior Manager (Projects) | 03 |
Manager (Projects) | 08 |
Additional General Manager (Risk Management) | 01 |
Manager (Risk Management) | 02 |
Manager (Business Development) | 02 |
Executive Director (Law) | 01 |
Additional General Manager (Law) | 01 |
Deputy General Manager (Law) | 01 |
Additional General Manager (CA & CS) | 01 |
Chief Manager (CA & CS) | 01 |
Deputy Manager (CA & CS) | 02 |
General Manager (IT) | 01 |
Additional General Manager (IT) | 01 |
Deputy Manager (IT) | 04 |
Manager (ESG) | 01 |
General Manager (HR) | 01 |
Deputy General Manager (HR) | 01 |
Manager (HR) | 01 |
Deputy Manager (HR) | 02 |
Manager (Corporate Social Responsibility) | 01 |
Manager (Corporate Communications) | 01 |
Manager (Rajbhasha) | 01 |
Deputy Manager (Rajbhasha) | 01 |
Manager (Rajbhasha) | 01 |
Total Post…63 |
IREDA Recruitment 2025: Application Fee
Category | Application Fee |
SC/ST/PWBD/XSM | Rs.1000/- |
Mode of Payment | Online |
IREDA Recruitment 2025: Selection Process
- Screening of Applications
- Interview
- Document Verification:
IREDA Recruitment 2025: Qualification
Post Name | Qualification | Age Limit |
Executive Director (Finance) | Chartered Accountant (CA)/MBA or equivalent | 55 years. |
General Manager (Finance) | Chartered Accountant (CA)/MBA or equivalent | 52 years. |
Additional General Manager (Finance) | Chartered Accountant (CA)/MBA or equivalent | 48 years. |
Deputy General Manager (Finance) | Chartered Accountant (CA)/MBA or equivalent | 45 years. |
Manager (Finance) | Chartered Accountant (CA)/MBA or equivalent | 35 years. |
Executive Director (Projects) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engineering or equivalent | 55 years. |
General Manager (Projects) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engineering or equivalent | 52 years. |
Additional General Manager (Projects) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engineering or equivalent | 48 years. |
Deputy General Manager (Projects) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engineering or equivalent | 45 years. |
Chief Manager (Projects) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engineering or equivalent | 42 years. |
Senior Manager (Projects) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engineering or equivalent | 39 years. |
Manager (Projects) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engineering or equivalent | 35 years. |
Additional General Manager (Risk Management) | Graduate with MBA/CA/FRM or equivalent | 48 years. |
Manager (Risk Management) | Graduate with MBA/CA/FRM or equivalent | 35 years. |
Manager (Business Development) | MBA/Postgraduate Diploma in Management (Marketing) | 35 years. |
Executive Director (Law) | Graduate with LLB (3 years) or Integrated Law Course | 55 years. |
Additional General Manager (Law) | Graduate with LLB (3 years) or Integrated Law Course | 48 years. |
Deputy General Manager (Law) | Graduate with LLB (3 years) or Integrated Law Course | 45 years. |
Additional General Manager (CA & CS) | Associate Member of ICSI with additional qualifications | 48 years. |
Chief Manager (CA & CS) | Associate Member of ICSI with additional qualifications | 42 years. |
Deputy Manager (CA & CS) | Associate Member of ICSI with additional qualifications | 33 years. |
General Manager (IT) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. in Computer Science/IT or equivalent | 52 years. |
Additional General Manager (IT) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. in Computer Science/IT or equivalent | 48 years. |
Deputy Manager (IT) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. in Computer Science/IT or equivalent | 33 years. |
Manager (ESG) | Graduate with PG in Environment Engineering or equivalent | 35 years. |
General Manager (HR) | Postgraduate in Management (HR specialization) | 52 years.. |
Deputy General Manager (HR) | Postgraduate in Management (HR specialization) | 45 years |
Manager (HR) | Postgraduate in Management (HR specialization) | 35 years. |
Deputy Manager (HR) | Postgraduate in Management (HR specialization) | 33 years. |
Manager (Corporate Social Responsibility) | MBA/Postgraduate in Social Work or equivalent | 35 years. |
Manager (Corporate Communications) | MBA/Postgraduate in Communications/Journalism or equivalent | 35 years. |
Manager (Rajbhasha) | Master’s in Hindi/English with one as a subject at Bachelor’s level | 35 years. |
Deputy Manager (Rajbhasha) | Master’s in Hindi/English with one as a subject at Bachelor’s level | 33 years. |
Manager (Rajbhasha) | Master’s in Hindi/English with translation proficiency | 35 years. |
How To Apply IREDA Recruitment 2025:
सबसे पहले आप सभी को IREDA Recruitment 2025 के ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा या नीचे दिए गए आवेदन लिंक पर क्लिक करें.
इसके बाद आपके सामने एक नया पेज खुलेगा, जहाँ आपको इसके लिए आवेदन करने का लिंक मिलेगा.
अपना मूल विवरण जैसे नाम, DOB, ईमेल आईडी और फ़ोन नंबर का उपयोग करके पंजीकरण करें.
दस्तावेज अपलोड करें शैक्षिक प्रमाण पत्र और अनुभव प्रमाण सहित आवश्यक दस्तावेज अपलोड करें.
IREDA Recruitment 2025: Important Links
Home Page | Click Here |
For Online Apply | Click Here |
Check Official Notification | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |